The Big Lap - Wallaga Lake, Tathra, Narooma, Tilba Tilba



 Have you ever visited somewhere and stumbled upon an interesting sight that you haven't heard of before?   More about that later.


Yes, the home of the cheese.  We drove past the Bega Cheese Factory in Bega.  Previously we had come across a Bega Cheese Factory in Victoria at a place called Koroit which we felt was strange.  So I googled it and looks like Bega has 15 cheese factories.  Interesting.

Anyway, we didn't stop at Bega.  However we were quite impressed with the surrounding countryside, rolling lush green hills.  Very picturesque.



We had to turn off from the Princes Highway at Cobargo to go towards the coast and Wallaga Lake. 

Cobargo was devistated by the big fires.  This small town is known for it's resiliance and community spirit.  We wanted to give something to assist them so we stopped and bought a snack and some local jams and relish from a cafe in town.  

Cobargo reminded us of a small country town in New South Wales called Mullimbumby.



I was looking for somewhere to stay close to Narooma because it looked nice, but too expensive to stay in Narooma.  That is when I discovered Wallaga Lake, just a bit south.

The Big 4 Caravan Park on Wallaga Lake was a great choice.  At $38 a night with a postcard picture view of the lake and including a pool, mini golf and get this..... a brewery!  A caravan park with a brewery?  Yep, that was a first for us.

😁 🍺

There was a dog show nearby at Bermagui so the caravan park was quite full..... of campers and their 4 pawed friends.  It was interesting to see the various pet accommodation they had too, from cages in the back of the car to dog trailers that looked like mini pop up caravans.  



Not too far down the road was the reasonably sized town of Bermagui where the dog competition was being held.  

We visited the pub across the road from a pretty bay.  I cannot even remember what we ate nor did I take pictures of our food because the view just took my breath away. 



On a day trip down the coast, we came across a beautiful beach at Cuttagee.  The weather up until now had been pretty much nothing but winter.  Now, all of a sudden the sun was out and the temp was in the mid 20's.  

Just after the bridge we pulled up and walked down to the beach.  What a view!

We enjoyed trying to capture waves, white wash over the rocks, doggie play and then we walked around to the bridge.  I wish that I had my togs.  The water looked so inviting.



Tathra is a quiet coastal village.  It's a great place to come and see the whales in season.  The pub is an  advantage point for that.  But apart from that, we thought it was a little overrated.   I guess sometimes you just have to check out a place for yourself to find out if it's all that it's cracked up to be.

The pub was nice and in a great location.  I tried a beer tasting paddle which was ok.  Hubby enjoyed his calamari.  I wasn't that impressed with my scallops morney.  It wasn't a true morney sauce but just old english cheese melted over the scallops.  Not really nice at all.  They could have done way better.

Anyway, the view from the verandah was nice overlooking a rugged coastline.  



Virtually across the road from the caravan park at Wallaga Lake is the beach and on the beach is Camel Rock.  Well it sort of looks like a Camel.  The beach was nice.  😉



Just past the caravan park and in the middle of the lake is a little island that you can pull into in the car.  We stopped with car and van to do a quick check.  It would be lovely here to have a picnic with nice views over the lake.



Australia Rock

We had no plans when we drove into Narooma.  I googled and randomly found Australia Rock.  What a pleasant surprise.  We parked up above it at the lookout and took some pix and then drove down and luckily there was a parking spot for us right there.  

Located at Wogonga Head and rock/cement breakwall with plenty of photography opportunities.  We also saw some seals sunning themselves.  First time for us seeing seals in the wild.  It was pretty cool.

The narrow spit here is surrounded by the beach on one side and a calm bay on the other.  The bay looked like a lovely place to swim.  I took a few photos and stiched them into a panorama.  See below.

We then drove over the bridge and hung a sharp right into the car park of a fishing Co-Op called Narooma Bridge Seafoods.  We totally recommend the fresh seafood here.  We bought some prawns and sea perch fillets.  I did the fish in egg and bread crumbs and it turned out the best that I have ever done.  The fresh prawns were devine!  😁



A quaint Nimbin like village in the hills.

A trip back in time.  We took a slow walk through the historical street with its colourful shops, cafes with the smell of coffee beans and stalls with heady incense smells.  At the end of the street was a dairy factory.  I bought some of the local cheese.  

I also had a play with a camera app on my phone called Pixtica, taking a couple of cartoon-like shots.



Just out of Tilba and on the road to Narooma we decided to stop off here for some wine tasting.

We were pleasantly surprised with the venue.  The new owners have worked hard to do the place up and bring back the wooden appeal.  We immediately felt comfortable and were made to feel welcome.  

We enjoyed it so much that we stopped in again on our way back from Narooma for a meat and cheese board and a wine.  Their Rose is light and crisp, just like the French make it.  We were both quite taken with the Shiraz.  It was rich and peppery, my favourite taste in a Shiraz.

It was pleasant sitting on the large verandah with a beautiful view of the lake and valley.

Looking at the Google reviews, there were plenty of raves about the beer too.  They have live bands on the weekend and a play pit for the kids.  It's also pet friendly.  All in all, a great place for families and couples alike.  Totally recommended.



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