The Big Lap - Gladstone Bay




Ok, we were heading up the coast and away from the coldest and wetest winter that Western Australia has experienced for 20 years.  We couldn't wait!

So I could't wait to put us right on the beach where hubby could fish and I could snorkle.   Gladstone Bay?

Looked good on the net with all of the above and cheaper than driving miles into Shark Bay, Denham and Monkey Mia where it costs a fortune.  

So.... hubby was not really impressed.  Firstly, the 6 k's road in was severely corrigated and my jugs nearly jumped out of their holder lol.  The bird was not impressed.

2ndly, it was windy.

3rdly, the tide was waaaay out all of the time.  So there was no way hubby was going fishing. 

Consequently, even though I thought the place was alright, hubby was far from impressed and we spent a miserable day there.  So much for avoiding the expensive stays.  Time to rethink the itinery. 




Ok, so it was mud flats, windy, and the tide was consistantly a long way out, I wan't going to complain about the view and the fact that we were camped right on the beach.  That is what I had been waiting for!   I was loving this!! 😀

And the sunrises and sunsets!  WoW!


On the way, keep on the watch for the P Stops.  Parking off road.

We found a nice one with some wildflowers.  We also stopped at the Billabong Roadhouse for a sandwich and beer.  And the last couple of photos you can compare canola fields that we left behind and fields of yellow wattle going north. 




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