The Big Lap - Carnarvon



I was going to give Carnarvon a miss as I was looking for some free campsites to stay at and discovered that Carnarvon strictly forbid free camping.  Hubby didn’t want to miss seeing it so we were lucky enough to bag a site for a few nights at the Outback Oasis Caravan Park.  We learnt that most of the caravan parks were full.  No doubt due to Carnarvon protecting the caravan parks by not allowing free camping in and around the area.   There were quite a number of caravan parks there so no wonder they had the say.

Anyway, we got a good spot on a corner lot up the back and opposite the little pool which was cold! 😉  Our neighbours were super friendly too which made for a nice stay.  Usually everyone keeps to themselves in Caravan Parks.


The town itself is small but quaint and is right beside the river which feeds in from the coast. 


Just out of town and towards the seafood co-op was The Crab Shack.  We bought fresh prawns and oysters and I made oyster Kilpatrick.  Yuuum.


The ladies in the Information Centre were very helpful and directed us to the Quobba blow holes and a nearby beach.  On the way back we dropped into a little ice-creamery called Bumback’s and spent a fortune on jams and pickles (which were terrible).  Hubby bought a very small tub of mango and passionfruit ice-cream.  When I looked at the priced I nearly died!  $10!  Floggin’ day light robbery! 


Just out of Carnarvon there was a salt mine.  We passed lots of salt lakes and there is a huge one called Lake Macleod.  There are also quite a few market gardeners here selling fruit and veg.  We bought some nice little bananas which are not quite as good as my favourite Queensland baby fingers but they were more palatable than the big ones they sell in Perth.  Tasteless crap.  I won’t eat those ones.


Overall, we enjoyed our stay at Carnarvon, but only enough to do for just a few days we reckon. 






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