The Big Lap - Nanutarra



Emu Creek Station is around 90k’s south of Nanutarra and is 22k’s off the highway.  We were discovering that fuel stations were gradually becoming further apart so we had to be careful and calculating with our fuel load.  We had to go into Nanutarra Roadhouse as we were low on oil.  The nice hosts at Emu Creek Station gave us some oil for nothing which was a very kind thing to do.

So we filled up and bought some tucker.  Guess we won’t be doing that too often as they know how to charge at these places.  Every Tom, Dick and Harry and the dog was there too.  Yes, Nanutarra Roadhouse must be raking in the cash! 


Back to Emu Creek Station.  What an amazing place!  I would totally recommend it.   Camping is located right on the river bank amongst white gums and fabulous bird life.  There were quite a few vans there when we arrived and looked like they chose the best spots, as you do.  So we parked and went for a walk.  Turns out we found the best spot away from the rest, in the shade and right on the river bank. 

The Billabong outside our door was great for swimming in too, but I wore my rock shoes just in case as you can’t see much underneath. 

Dusk and dawn were the best times as the sun hit the trees creating a beautiful picturesque scene.

Check it out!!



Well that is what we have named it.

We wanted to have some jaffles over the fire.  Hubby was getting quite good at cooking them.  However, we had run out of bread so hubby thought the bread rolls might work if he hollowed them out.

Worked a treat.  I had defrosted the meat casserole that I cooked a few weeks ago and we filled the hollowed out bread rolls with it. 

Turns out that it tasted just like a pie. They were real good.



I was sitting quietly in the shade, trying to photo this gorgeous little yellow butterfly and a bird came down to get in on the action.

He was quite a poser too.



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