The Big Lap - Coral Bay & Exmouth




We had originally chosen Bullara Station on Burkett Road near the junction turnoff between Coral Bay and Exmouth, however it was totally booked out.  Damned Tourists.  So we called through to Giralia Station on the same road but closer to the highway and they had plenty of spots, so Giralia it was.

Giralia Station is huge.  You can see on the map below the shaded bit.  That is how much it covers.  Turns out a good choice although it is further to Coral Bay and Exmouth than Bullara.  We loved happy hour around the firepit which had a great roll up every evening.  The toilets and showers were in the old wool shed.  Large showers with a view.  Check out the Vid below.  Hubby loved watching footy with the fellas in the shed.  They had it on live which was pretty cool.  And they hospitality was very good as well.  Well recommended. 






It’s interesting how the scenery changes so drastically wherever we go.  On the road to Coral Bay there were tons of huge termite mounds.  Wouldn’t want to build a timber house around here 😉



We loved Coral Bay so much that we came back a second time.  Mind you it took about an hour and a quarter each way to get there and back.  There weren’t many shops and the place was swarming with people.  There is only 1 fuel stop too, a 24hr one where you pay first and hope you haven’t overbudgeted.  And they charge like wounded bulls. 

After refuelling we kept going on the road and came across the boat ramp.  Just to the left was a picture perfect little white sandy bay with gorgeous aqua/turquoise crystal-clear water and hardly anyone there.  What a magnificent spot! 

I later found out that this is called Paradise Beach.

The name fits. 😎


Both days it was a little different in colour.  The second day we went there was no salt spray coming in so it was even clearer and absolutely no people.  Even better!

Hubby took some footage underwater with the GoPro.  See Vid below. 

Yep, Coral Bay is right up there as one of our favourite beaches.  ðŸ˜Š




Took us an hour and half to get to Exmouth.  Exmouth is much bigger than Coral Bay and we took a slow drive through.  I had spotted a road heading up hill in the distance and thought that might lead us to the beach.   Good choice.  We drove past the golf course which looked pretty good and headed onto a dirt track which led up a sandy dune and voila!  The beach. 

Unlike Coral Bay, this beach in Exmouth had little waves but the water was still crystal clear so I went in for a dip.  The beach was full of beautifully rounded little stones so I went stone hunting.  Again, no one here. 


After refuelling back in town at the ‘normal’ petrol station, we found the shopping centre and I had a squiz in the gift shops.  There were some great paintings and hand made jewelry but way too expensive, so I headed to the cheap trinket shop and bought a lovely little neckless with blue fish scales and a silver whale fin attached for $10 and a $6 fridge magnet with a 3d turtle on.  Bargain 😊

By this time we had built up a bit of a thirst and the pub was just opening, so we ventured in for a coldie.  Pub was aptly called Frothy Craft Brewery.  Hey Brewery!  Cool.  We ordered a tasting paddle.  They have quite a range to choose from.  We shared fish and chips.  Very fresh Mackerel and the chips were done perfectly!  Doesn’t get any better. 😊



Exmouth has a couple of Big things.  The Big Prawn and the Big Whale Shark.


There is a lot of new development in Exmouth with flash two-storey houses on canals.  Wannabe Surfers Paradise lol.  Check out the Vid below lol. 😊




Just out of town is a road to the Cape Range National Park.  What a view!  We also saw the Sturt Desert Pea here.




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