The Big Lap - Denmark



We had hoped to stay at a free camp at a place called Cosy Corner which is right on the beach in between Denmark and Albany.  When we got there it proved to be too difficult to back the van into the few spots that were available.  We knew from word of mouth that this place was popular.  So we went with plan B and drove into Albany.  This worked out good because hubby got a bargain at the King River Palms Caravan Park, stay 7 nights and pay 6.

Both of us love Denmark having visited in 2013 so we just had to drive back and take another look around.  It was only 45 minutes away from Albany so not a big day out.

This time it was windy and the seas were up a bit so the beach here looked a lot different.  Still the same gorgeous coloured water though.  So pretty.


Just out of town we stopped for lunch at the Boston Brewing Company.  We had heard from a few people that this was worth it and we were not disappointed.

Sitting beside the fireplace, sharing a beer tasting paddle and yummy wood fired pizza was just perfect.



There is a cafe in the main street of Denmark that we visited last time so we wanted to stop in again however it was in the process of closing.  What?  Who closes a cafe at 3pm?



Denmark is such a pretty little town with a river running through and nice parkland.  I have more information on my WA Perth to Albany Road Trip page.


And Tookie found his prime bird's eye view spot.





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