The Big Lap - Walpole



We stayed in a Caravan Park right on the water front just a little north of Walpole.  There were a stack of resident pelicans that allowed us to get up real close.  A little more about that later.

Rest Point Caravan Park Walpole


We had mostly wet days but in between the showers we were able to do a bit of sight seeing.  Walpole backs onto the Walpole Inlet which we hear was good for fishing.  Pitty the weather wasn't kind to us.


Walpole is known as big tree country.  There is a tree top walk called Valley of the Giants.  We did that last time we were in Walpole in 2013 so we didn't bother with it this time.  

This time we visited the big Tingle Tree and Circular pool.

It was an easy 400m walk there and we opted to walk back the same way rather than take the whole circle along an unpaved track with a lot of stairs.  These trees are huge and gnarly and are obviously hundreds of years old.


Circular Pool is just up the road a further 3 k's.  The map said it's an easy 500m walk however I could also see that there was a path straight through with a lot of steps so I opted to take the shorter step path.  Hubby was surprised that I chose that option but it was way quicker than taking the longer flat path.  Seemed like only around 200m.  Plus I got to rest on one of the steps at the end to take in the tranquil view.

I wondered why so much foam and did a bit of research.  This is what says - "The currents of the pools flow in circles, creating moving circular patterns with the foam they create.  The foam is a result of saponin which is a class of chemical compounds found in plants.  Saponin, when shaken not stirred, creates the cappuccino foam for which Circular Pool is famous."

Mmmm, interesting.



We walked from our van to the inlet to try to capture sunset.  Not much of a sunset but we still got the colours ..... along with the resident pelicans.  Wow they are huge majestic birds!  And they allowed us to get up real close whilst posing for our cameras.  

So cool.  😃





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