2021 - Streets of Perth


2021 continued to have COVID-19 restrictions.
Travel was definitely off everyone's list of stuff to do.
Well travel interstate anyway as we never knew if we were going to be quarantined due to an outbreak, invariably caused by people arriving from overseas.

So again us photographers needed to go with plan B, walks around town.  

My youngest daughter Janine has also developed an interest in photography so we both took to the streets to see what we could come up with.



We decided to do a little family night photography shoot.

Jesse has now moved into the city and has a nice little flat close to the city centre.  Public transport within Perth is plentyfull and free so Jesse is happy.

Janine and I stayed in the city for the night above the Belgium Beer Pub.  Not bad.  Included free drinks from the beer fridge upstairs.  Room was small but clean.  We could however hear the late night city yahoos but we were too tired to worry about that.


I have a new lens and was keen to play with it.  
Lensbaby Composer Pro ii and Edge 35 Optic is a set up for arty photography.

Lensbaby lenses are designed for people that like to experiment with bokkah.
The Composer Pro ii is like a tilt shift and it works with specific Optics designed by Lensbaby that have a unique look.  For instance the Sweet Optic provides a sharp centre with bokkah around the edge.  My one, the Edge Optic has a slice of sharp running through the photo and bokkah either side.  So in effect I can move the tilt shift either up, down, sideways or diagonally to produce different effects. 

So here is a photo that I thought was pretty cool.

And a short video that shows the slice of sharpness and bokkah.



The weather today wasn't really nice so I thought I would grab some flowers from the front garden and have a play inside with macro and lighting.

I found a black screen on youtube as the background and got to work.

I am very happy with the results and have one of the hibiscus flowers as home screen on my phone.


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