Red Hills - Tasmania



We have not long settled into our new home near Launceston, Tasmania.

Unfortunately, the rain had followed us all around the Big Lap Australia and now into Tassie.  Our spirits were not about to be any more dampened.  I got Google out and looked for a new adventure for us close by.

Welcome, 41 South Tasmania and Georgie's Cafe.  This is an environmental salmon farm that is well thought out.  Other salmon farms in Tasmania are set up in the rivers and all of the salmon waste & toxins are left in the water system.   Whereas 41 South Tasmania utilise the river and feed it into quite a few tanks that capture the wste & toxins and the end result is good quality water that is fed back into the water system.  

Both hubby and I have had some great smoked salmon in Canada, so when I found this place and saw the reviews, we couldn't wait to try out the local Tassie produce and compare.  

It was a lovely 40 minute drive from our new home.  We did not take the highway, but chose the quiet country road though nice villages and rich, green outback landscape.  

What a lovely place.  The owner is quite a charactor.  We paid a small price each to take the self guided tour including feeding the fish.  See video below. 

We had a nice, easy bush walk to the waterfall past the fish tanks and then back through swamp land where we saw platapus signs.  Didn't see any platapus.  Then back to the cafe where we ordered the popular tasting plate.  

Well it was yummy.  The salmon was done 3 different ways and accompanied by a seafood dip with a hint of chilli and Ginseng  Spice.  They also farm ginseng on site.  It was like flavoured salt.  We bought a bit of everything to take home and enjoy.  

We will definitely be back.




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