Australia - The Big Lap




Finally!  We have retired from our stressful jobs - aussirose was a Legal Mortgage Recovery Officer in a WA Bank and Howard was a Bus Driver.  Tookie - the Bird with an attitude is along for the ride.

We head south from Perth first just to ensure everything is in order before venturing in the northern unknown.

It was a mixture of emotions departing with our stuff and saying goodbye to the kids but that is not forever and we hope they enjoy following along with us on our journey until we see each other again.

Janine, Howard, Dylan, Tom (Kelli's Husband), Jesse
Ann, Kelli and Grandson Gabriel


So as I add blogs of our journey, I will also update this page with the links so that you can follow along on our adventures.

Each place name is a link.  Just hover over and click.


1. Donnybrook



















































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