Victor Harbour, Strathalbyn & West Coorong


Photo above was taken at at winery that made an awesome Malbec and we shared a scrumptious pizza and devine duck pate & betroot relish platter to go with it.


We hadn't planned to check out the Fleurieu Peninsula.  I had my mind set on the Murray River and Paddleboat Steamers so I was looking at going to Swan Reach and doing a day trip to Renmark etc.

Whilst in Adelaide we caught up with my Solicitor friends from my old job in the Bank which was great.   They mentioned McLaren Vale and Victor Harbour.  Of course Lawyers love their wine as I do.  😉

We didn't do McLaren Vale as we had spent quite a bit on wine in the Clare Valley.  However we decided to check out Victor Harbour.  I knew that we would eventually see the Murray River and Paddleboat Steamers anyway, so I changed our itinerary and we headed to Victor Harbour.



We stayed at a private campground called Little Bossa that I found on Wiki Camps.  Sometimes Wiki Camps comes up with the goods and sometimes it doesn't.  Little Bossa had pros and cons.  We felt more cons than pros.  Yes it is close to Victor Harbour, had power and it felt private.  But it was mozzie infested, had no shower facilities and at $30 a night, we felt that was a bit steep.

Victor Harbour was nice and we could see the merit of coming here for summer holidays.  However we felt that there wasn't much of a choice in the restaurant department.   So we bought fish and chips and took them back to the van to enjoy. 



Little Bossa Campsite is located in between Victor Harbour and Port Elliot.  Port Elliot is more laid back and we imagined that it would be very popular in the summer season. The beach was nice. 

There is a local tourist steam train that runs from Goolwa to Victor Harbour and back called the Cockle Train.  Unfortunately the days that we were here it didn't run.  The train tracks run right through Port Elliot.



Coorong in Aboriginal is Karangk which means narrow neck.  The Coorong is a shallow lagoon wetland at the end of the Murray River and the home of an amazing number of water birds and some 230 species of migratory birds from across the world.  In fact some travel from as far as Syberia and Alaska.

We also drove over this very high bridge to Hindmarsh Island.  There is a huge canal development here that looked like a mini Surfers Paradise wannabe.  😜



We had arrived at Strathalbyn and planned to stay at Langhorne Creek next, so decided to go check it out as it wasn't too far from Strathalbyn.  

It was just after lunch and we were hungry so decided to drop in to The Winehouse as their food looked good on the net.  Unfortunately, The Winehouse wasn't doing lunch today.  They recommended we head back up the road to Bremerton Winery.  Good suggestion.

Bremerton Winery had the best Malbec I have ever tasted.  And as I said above, the food was awesome as well.  Highly recommended.



This town is picture perfect.  Just like one of those quaint English villages.  The first settlers here were Scottish.  

We had a couple of coldies in the beer garden at the Terminus Hotel.  The staff here are friendly.



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