The Big Lap - Dumbleyung, Pingrup & Wagin



Dumbleyung is the place where the world water speed record in 1964 by a fella called Donald Campbell.

We could not have picked a better day for photography.  The clouds really added another dimension to our photos.


They have a great write up of Donald Campbell in town and a monument of the Bluebird which was the craft that he used to break the record. Dumbleyung is very proud of it's name to fame.


Like all small country towns, Dumbleyung consists of one street and a pub.

We were impressed however with the well kept gardens and other dedicated monuments surrounding the Information Centre.



We had heard that Silo graffiti is quite big in the South Western Australia region.

Pingrup is located about a hour from Dumbleyung so we decided to pay it a visit.

Looking at the art here, we were glad that we came to check them out. 



Dumbleyung is an RV Friendly Town.  This is good because travellers like us can free park for a few days and spend our money locally.  

The RV Friendly Park is just behind the Tavern and our friendly Publican offered us the use of the toilets, showers and WIFI for no extra cost, just as long as we were willing to spend money in the Pub.

No problem 😀

As you can see in the food pic below, the pub grub was real good.  This was a shared meal of rump steak and mushroom gravey.  The chef bought it out to us on 2 plates and it was real good.



Wagin is only 38 k's out of town so we hit the road for a visit and to take some photos.

Wagin has the big Ram.  The first big thing in Australia that I have photographed.  I will create a separate page on this when I have photographed a few.

We also visited the Wagin Historical Museum and had a trip down memory lane.  I am quite liking the little museums in the outback villages.





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