2008 - DARWIN

We had just arrived back in Darwin after an awesome trip up to the top end of Australia.   We named this the survivor trip.   We were ready to boast about our adventure and share our amazing stories and adventures with our VT friends over the big VT Meet weekend.

Zig, our meet organiser had some more adventures planned for us over the next 2 days in and around Darwin.   So if you Want to visit then check out the things we did below.



This year we had visitors from USA, UK and NZ as well as VT'ers from Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and Darwin.  And a huge bunch of naughty VA’s.  
Our queen of wigs and costumes, Ann and hubby Charlie as usual stole the show.

TheBoyToy and TheTravelSlut with Angela, owner of Orchids at Nightcliff.

Ann and Charlie from Florida and Gillian from Manchester stayed with us at Orchids at Nightcliff bed and breakfast.

We caught the local bus into town.  Check out the look from a few locals on the bus when they saw Dolly Parton and Elvis get on the bus lol.

Suzie showing Gerry from VT Headquarters her mozzie bits.

Kiwi Pam Survived

Wayne from Brisbane and VA 



Owner Angela made us feel very welcome here.  Nightcliff is a suburb of Darwin with easy transport by bus into town.  Orchids accommodation was comfortable, breakky amazing and the pool area is surrounded by tropical plants and has a nice lounge area complete with a big day bed.  
 I recommend it here.

Markets close by



This was definitely my favourite.

The day started off with a couple of mishaps.   We headed off  to the Kakadu Winery which was closed and up for sale.  Then we arrived at the croc farm - also closed.

George, Pauline from Country NSW and menagerie

Spot the Kiwi

Ever cool Zig just went to plan b - Jumping Croc Cruise.  Here we got to get up close and personal with the salties.  Salt water crocodiles are the largest reptile, and Australian salties are the largest in the world.  They can grow up to 7 metres in length.  They are not afraid of humans so don't mess with them.

Going on this cruise you are guaranteed to see plenty of salties.

Adelaidean Deb from guess where?...

Patrick and I share a good XXXX beer



This is another 'must do' when visiting Darwin.   The park is huge and well designed.   It showcased the variety of Australian living conditions from desert to dry woodland to rainforest and everything in between including the plants and animals that live in these conditions.   

We only had time to visit a couple. I chose to check out the woodland, monsoon and aquarium.



Zig had more planned for us the next day.   First stop - Crocodylus Park.   

This place was very touristy but still well done.   We got to hold a baby crocodile and also to feed the crocs.   I took some great videos of Ann feeding the crocs, but unfortunately they are in the big busted external drive heaven.



We all loved our picnic here at Berry Springs.   The water was nice and cool and croc free.

Zig arranged for a truck of bbq goodies for us and we all shared in the cost.  Made it easier all round.

When the heat becomes oppressive here in Darwin, everyone heads to Berry Springs.


kiwi on phone to zanzooni in Virginia US

VA's hanging around



Darwin is small.   Walking the streets of Darwin is easy and safe.   There are plenty of things to see and do here.

Parliament House

Darwin Museum

Darwin Town Hall remains following Cyclone Tracy 1974



This is a local and tourist favourite.   Visiting the Mindil Beach Markets at sunset is just gorgeous!   Grab some cheap food and a beer and wander down to the beach to view the sunset.   Doesn't get any better! 



Saturday night was our big presentation dinner for Zig, the organiser of this big Darwin Survivor Meet.

Well I have never seen Zig lost for words.   When you first meet Zig, he comes across as being a quiet guy, but believe me, this guy has a wicked sense of quick wit!   Not to mention his wealth of knowledge as we learnt on the outback survivor trip.

But on this night when we made his presentation, poor Zig was absolutely lost for words.   We presented him with a lovely clock engraved with Darwin Meet 2008.   Then we surprised him with this lovely hand crafted plate.   

What made it extra special for Zig is the emu which is his aboriginal Totum, something very important to him.

Stephanie & Gerry from VT Headquarters an Pam

Ann & Charlie

Fab, Suzie, Deb & Bob

Steve, George & Pauline

Suzie & Deb

Zig, Steve & Wayne

George & Pauline's Travel Buddies

VA's steal the show



Zig chose 2 great places for our events.   Both overlooked the beach with amazing sunsets. Both were outdoors and we could order our own food and drinks.   Both were not too busy which allowed us plenty of space and to place our tables close together.

Sunday night goodbye dinner was a happy but sad occasion.  Another big downunder Virtual Tourist meet had come to an end. 

  Zig and the boys hung up the big map and zig showed everyone where we drove on the big outback survivor trip through Arnhem Aboriginal Land and up to the Cobourg Peninsula top end.

We also announced the next year event 2009 - Whitsundays.

But most of all, we spent the night catching up with each other and reliving our great memories.   VT is just one huge big family of likeminded travellers who really enjoy
our company.   Live on VT!



All good things come to an end.   But not before the after party.


Both Ann's love our cruising.   So it is not surprising that we jumped

 at the chance to do a sunset dinner cruise here in Darwin up the

 top end of Australia.   Couple that with seafood and wine!!!....  

 Ahhhh, heaven.  Doesn’t get any better.


Trip back to the bed and breakfast was hilarious.   
The boys found a cool spot near Nightcliff.



Just a couple of other things to do in Darwin


If you are into fishing as hubby is, then he recommends Equinox.



You saw Berry Springs above.   I prefer Berry Springs.
The thing I did like about Howard Springs is watching the huge barramundi fish swimming around. 


Thanks Zig for making this trip one of my all time favourite memories. 

You are special, my Aboriginal Bro.

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